interesting quote by voltaire on christians
If Christians want us to believe in a Redeemer, let them act redeemed.--Voltaire
"TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN" - My views on the various unorthodox doctrines and heresies held by churches that were born out of the restoration movement, started by Alexander Campbell, Walter Scott and Barton Stone. They preach a false gospel of salvation by works. They also espouse the heresy of baptismal regeneration. In short, they do not know the way of salvation, hence are not saved.
When people use the old excuse that they won't go to church because the church people are all hypocrites and worse than they are. I hear Christians say that such an excuse is really lame they shouldn't let other people govern what they do.
But, often those are the same folks who are the hypocrites in question. As the rationalzations fly, they usually do not appreciate my comment "why keep giving the unchurched that excuse?" In other words start living it! Shouldn't our lives attract people to Jesus in stead of driving them away?
I am not a big fan of Voltaire but he got this one right.
Well said, I concur. As Christ said, we are to be the salt of the world, if the salt looses its saltiness, its good for nothing but to be trampled under foot. We are to be the light of the world, and are supposed to shine the light of truth to others. As ambassadors of Christ in this world, we should imitate Christ. If christians have lost their saltiness, why would the world even consider what we preach?
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